The Design of Suspended Ceilings – John Woodside


Recently John Woodside: chairperson of the standards committee responsible for the soon to be released revisions to the ceiling standard AS/NZS 2785 and previous chairman of earthquake standard AS 1170.4, talked about Seismic design of ceilings at the Adelaide Business Hub. John is a very distinguished structural engineer with over 50 years of experience in structural engineering and was responsible for designing approximately half the ceilings for the new Royal Adelaide Hospital some years ago. John has made the slide show of his talk available below.


The topics covered were:

           Design of ceilings to the NCC

 •          Seismic design of ceilings: what does it mean and why is it necessary?

 •          Fasteners for ceiling systems into concrete and compliance with AS 5216 (And why power actuated fasteners no longer comply)

 •          Failures of ceilings both nationally and internationally

 •          New requirements with the soon to be released AS/NZS 2785 revision