28 Aug Support our industry at WorldSkills Melbourne 2023
With the completion of the WorldSkills National Championships Melbourne 2023, the hype and excitement for the events are still there!
From the 17-19th of August, the Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries (AWCI) Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) was there to support the Plastering and Dry Wall Applications National Championships at WorldSkills Melbourne 2023.
It was our pleasure to be a financial partner representing and supporting the trade of wall and ceiling lining (plastering) at the National Championships at WorldSkills Melbourne 2023.
Such excitement and pride in witnessing the excellent skills of our next plastering generation and supporting them at the early stage of their career.
(The names of the apprentices in the above picture as Jake Browne – Tasmania, Cameron Hill – Western Australia – Perth North, Lachlan Usher – ACT, Benjamin Mailard – Victoria- Melbourne East, Tristan Bulger – Victoria, Lachlan Evens – Western Australia – Perth South)
Congratulations to the winners and the apprentices entering the championships, you have done an excellent job to represent our industry’s next generation.
And thank you to our industry colleagues for visiting our booth and supporting our presence at WorldSkills to promote our industry.
AWCI and the Wall and Ceiling Institute would like to acknowledge the Incolink support and sponsorship in helping the Wall & Ceiling Institute to promote our industries awareness at WorldSkills 2023.
The sponsorship from Incolink is an essential component of what our RTO would ultimately like to achieve with the apprentices – well-trained young people, confident in their employment skills and aware of the challenges and how to deal with them.
Incolink is the safety net for the building and construction industry.
WorldSkills National Championships in Melbourne 2023 is an exciting event that connects trade experts and young Australians to explore the trade industry and the careers it promises by offering them the opportunities to explore and try out the trade activities that can influence their future career decisions.
AWCI is proud to participate in WorldSkills to support and promote our industry.
Follow us on social media for more news and events from us!
#Awcianz #yourindustryyourassociation #worldskills2023 #incolink