22 Feb AWCI NSW Steel Cap Boot Camp
13-15 MARCH 2023
Be Part of the AWCINSW Steel Cap Boot Camp
The AWCINSW Steel Cap Boot Camp is an industry initiative driven by the AWCINSW and has been
designed by industry training specialists to bring together the knowledge, skills and experience your apprentice
has gained throughout their apprenticeship and putting those skills to the test!
The AWCINSW Steel Cap Boot Camp provides the opportunity to cover off any of those units of competency that your apprentice may not be exposed to, but needs to undertake in order to successfully complete their formal training.
But it is not all about putting up walls & ceilings – it’s more about setting your apprentice up for success.
Our Steel Cap Boot Camp will provide your apprentice with a range of experiences, from how to look after their physical and mental health, through to setting up their finances and accounts with plasterboard suppliers. There will be opportunity to meet other apprentices from around NSW and time to network with industry ambassadors. We even go on a few manufacturing tours to learn about where this plasterboard stuff all comes from!